What is SPN?
The Sharon Pluralism Network, Inc. (SPN) collaborates (partners) with organizations and groups in Sharon to support programs and opportunities that foster multicultural and interfaith understanding and engagement.
To create a positive and sustainable culture of pluralism in the town of Sharon, Massachusetts. SPN envisions a community where people from diverse groups:
- live together in peace and mutual respect
- feel safe and valued
- retain their group identity while also being part of a larger community
- learn about, interact with, and stand up for each other
- work collaboratively with the community at large for the common good
To fulfill its mission, the SPN works to:
- raise awareness of the value of pluralism, and the strengths and challenges it presents
- support educational programs that further understanding about racial, ethnic, national origin, cultural and religious groups, reduce stereotyping, demystify differences in beliefs, history, and practice, increase empathy between people, and showcase the richness of our diverse cultures
- foster genuine encounter, dialogue, and relationship-building among individuals and groups
- create an inheritance, building a new cycle of leadership to sustain the mission over time
A Steering Committee comprised of Board Members and other community representatives meets monthly to oversee SPN’s work.
Current Board Members:
Co-Presidents: Margie Mitlin and Shelley Keimach
Clerk: Barbara Nelkin-Rose
Treasurer: Rob Maidman
Member at Large: Beth Hoke
Member at Large: Don Williams